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Class ptplot.Plot


public class Plot
extends PlotBox
A flexible signal plotter. The plot can be configured and data can be provided either through a file with commands or through direct invocation of the public methods of the class or by passing pxgraph arguments through the "pxgraphargs" parameter. If a file is used, the file can be given as a URL through the setDataurl method in the parent class. The file contains any number commands, one per line. Unrecognized commands and commands with syntax errors are ignored. Comments are denoted by a line starting with a pound sign "#". The recognized commands include those supported by the base class, plus a few more. The commands are case insensitive, but are usually capitalized. The following command defines the number of data sets to be plotted.
 NumSets: positiveInteger
If data is provided for more data sets than this number, those data are ignored. Each dataset can be optionally identified with color (see the base class) or with unique marks. The style of marks used to denote a data point is defined by one of the following commands:
 Marks: none
 Marks: points
 Marks: dots
 Marks: various
Here, "points" are small dots, while "dots" are larger. If "various" is specified, then unique marks are used for the first ten data sets, and then recycled. Using no marks is useful when lines connect the points in a plot, which is done by default. To disable connecting lines, use:
 Lines: off
To reenable them, use
 Lines: on
You can also specify "impulses," which are lines drawn from a plotted point down to the x axis. These are off by default, but can be turned on with the command:
 Impulses: on
or back off with the command
 Impulses: off
To create a bar graph, turn off lines and use any of the following commands:
 Bars: on
 Bars: width
 Bars: width, offset
The width is a real number specifying the width of the bars in the units of the x axis. The offset is a real number specifying how much the bar of the ith data set is offset from the previous one. This allows bars to "peek out" from behind the ones in front. Note that the frontmost data set will be the last one. To turn off bars, use
 Bars: off
To specify data to be plotted, start a data set with the following command:
 DataSet: string
Here, string is a label that will appear in the legend. It is not necessary to enclose the string in quotation marks. The data itself is given by a sequence of commands with one of the following forms:
 draw: x,y
 move: x,y
The "draw" command is optional, so the first two forms are equivalent. The "move" command causes a break in connected points, if lines are being drawn between points. The numbers x and y are arbitrary numbers as supported by the Double parser in Java. The numbers can be separated by commas, spaces or tabs. This plotter has some limitations:

@(#) 1.66 10/30/97
Edward A. Lee, Christopher Hylands

Variable Index

 o _currentdataset
 o _marks
 o _numsets
 o _points

Constructor Index

 o Plot()

Method Index

 o _drawBar(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean)
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis.
 o _drawImpulse(Graphics, long, long, boolean)
Draw an impulse from the specified point to the y axis.
 o _drawLine(Graphics, int, long, long, long, long, boolean)
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending point.
 o _drawPoint(Graphics, int, long, long, boolean)
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and y position.
 o _newFile()
Hook for child classes to do any file preprocessing
 o _parseBinaryStream(DataInputStream)
Read in a pxgraph format binary file.
 o _parseLine(String)
Parse a line that gives plotting information.
 o addPoint(int, double, double, boolean)
In the specified data set, add the specified x,y point to the plot.
 o drawPlot(Graphics, boolean)
Draw the axes and then plot all points.
 o erasePoint(int, int)
Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset.
 o getMaxDataSets()
Return the maximum number of datasets
 o init()
Initialize the plotter, parse any data files.
 o paint(Graphics)
Draw the axes and the accumulated points.
 o parseArgs(String[])
Parse pxgraph style command line arguments.
 o parsePxgraphargs(String)
 o resize(int, int)
Resize the plot. Deprecated.
 o setBars(boolean)
Turn bars on or off.
 o setBars(double, double)
Turn bars on and set the width and offset.
 o setConnected(boolean)
If the argument is true, then the default is to connect subsequent points with a line.
 o setImpulses(boolean)
If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted point down to the x axis.
 o setMarksStyle(String)
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various".
 o setNumSets(int)
Specify the number of data sets to be plotted together.
 o setPointsPersistence(int)
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the plot to the given number of points.
 o setSweepsPersistence(int)
A sweep is a sequence of points where the value of X is increasing.
 o start()
Start the plot.
 o stop()
Stop the plot.


 o _currentdataset
 protected int _currentdataset
 o _points
 protected Vector _points[]
 o _marks
 protected int _marks
 o _numsets
 protected int _numsets


 o Plot
 public Plot()


 o addPoint
 public synchronized void addPoint(int dataset,
                                   double x,
                                   double y,
                                   boolean connected)
In the specified data set, add the specified x,y point to the plot. Data set indices begin with zero. If the dataset argument is out of range, ignore. The number of data sets is given by calling *setNumSets()*. The fourth argument indicates whether the point should be connected by a line to the previous point.

 o drawPlot
 public synchronized void drawPlot(Graphics graphics,
                                   boolean clearfirst)
Draw the axes and then plot all points. This is synchronized to prevent multiple threads from drawing the plot at the same time. It calls notify() at the end so that a thread can use wait() to prevent it plotting points before the axes have been first drawn. If the argument is true, clear the display first.

drawPlot in class PlotBox
 o erasePoint
 public synchronized void erasePoint(int dataset,
                                     int index)
Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset. If lines are being drawn, also erase the line to the next points (note: not to the previous point). The point is not checked to see whether it is in range, so care must be taken by the caller to ensure that it is.

 o getMaxDataSets
 public int getMaxDataSets()
Return the maximum number of datasets

 o init
 public synchronized void init()
Initialize the plotter, parse any data files.

init in class PlotBox
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics graphics)
Draw the axes and the accumulated points.

paint in class PlotBox
 o parseArgs
 public int parseArgs(String args[]) throws CmdLineArgException
Parse pxgraph style command line arguments. This method exists only for backward compatibility with the X11 pxgraph program.

Throws: CmdLineArgException
if there is a problem parsing the command line arguments passed in.
 o resize
 public void resize(int width,
                    int height)
Note: resize() is deprecated. As of JDK1.1 in java.awt.component, but we need to compile under 1.0.2 for netscape3.x compatibility.

Resize the plot.

resize in class PlotBox
 o setBars
 public void setBars(boolean on)
Turn bars on or off.

 o setBars
 public void setBars(double width,
                     double offset)
Turn bars on and set the width and offset. Both are specified in units of the x axis. The offset is the amount by which the ith data set is shifted to the right, so that it peeks out from behind the earlier data sets.

 o setConnected
 public void setConnected(boolean on)
If the argument is true, then the default is to connect subsequent points with a line. If the argument is false, then points are not connected. When points are by default connected, individual points can be not connected by giving the appropriate argument to addPoint().

 o setImpulses
 public void setImpulses(boolean on)
If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted point down to the x axis. Otherwise, this feature is disabled.

 o setMarksStyle
 public void setMarksStyle(String style)
Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various". In the last case, unique marks are used for the first ten data sets, then recycled.

 o setNumSets
 public void setNumSets(int numsets) throws NumberFormatException
Specify the number of data sets to be plotted together. Allocate a Vector to store each data set. Note that calling this causes any previously plotted points to be forgotten. This method should be called before setPointsPersistence.

Throws: NumberFormatException
if the number is less than 1 or greater than an internal limit (usually 63).
 o setPointsPersistence
 public void setPointsPersistence(int persistence)
Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the plot to the given number of points. Calling with a zero argument turns off this feature, reverting to infinite memory (unless sweeps persistence is set). If both sweeps and points persistence are set then sweeps take precedence. This method should be called after setNumSets(). FIXME: No file format yet.

 o setSweepsPersistence
 public void setSweepsPersistence(int persistence)
A sweep is a sequence of points where the value of X is increasing. A point that is added with a smaller x than the previous point increments the sweep count. Calling this method with a non-zero argument sets the persistence of the plot to the given number of sweeps. Calling with a zero argument turns off this feature. If both sweeps and points persistence are set then sweeps take precedence. FIXME: No file format yet. FIXME: Not implemented yet.

 o start
 public void start()
Start the plot. This method is redefined in child classes, such as PlotLive.

 o stop
 public void stop()
Stop the plot. This method is redefined in child classes, such as PlotLive.

 o _drawBar
 protected void _drawBar(Graphics graphics,
                         int dataset,
                         long xpos,
                         long ypos,
                         boolean clip)
Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis. If the specified point is below the y axis or outside the x range, do nothing. If the clip argument is true, then do not draw above the y range.

 o _drawImpulse
 protected void _drawImpulse(Graphics graphics,
                             long xpos,
                             long ypos,
                             boolean clip)
Draw an impulse from the specified point to the y axis. If the specified point is below the y axis or outside the x range, do nothing. If the clip argument is true, then do not draw above the y range.

 o _drawLine
 protected void _drawLine(Graphics graphics,
                          int dataset,
                          long startx,
                          long starty,
                          long endx,
                          long endy,
                          boolean clip)
Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending point. The current color is used. If the clip argument is true, then draw only that portion of the line that lies within the plotting rectangle.

 o _drawPoint
 protected void _drawPoint(Graphics graphics,
                           int dataset,
                           long xpos,
                           long ypos,
                           boolean clip)
Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and y position. The mark is drawn in the current color. What kind of mark is drawn depends on the _marks variable and the dataset argument. If the fourth argument is true, then check the range and plot only points that are in range.

_drawPoint in class PlotBox
 o _newFile
 protected void _newFile()
Hook for child classes to do any file preprocessing

_newFile in class PlotBox
 o _parseBinaryStream
 protected void _parseBinaryStream(DataInputStream in) throws PlotDataException, IOException
Read in a pxgraph format binary file.

Throws: PlotDataException
if there is a serious data format problem.
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
_parseBinaryStream in class PlotBox
 o _parseLine
 protected boolean _parseLine(String line)
Parse a line that gives plotting information. Return true if the line is recognized. Lines with syntax errors are ignored.

_parseLine in class PlotBox
 o parsePxgraphargs
 public int parsePxgraphargs(String pxgraphargs) throws CmdLineArgException

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