Conservation of Angular Momentum: Central-Force Motion

The energy method was developed to deal with one-dimensional problems, but it can be extended to deal with two-dimensional problems where angular momentum is conserved. Motion in a central force field, dealt with previously by the Feynman algorithm, is a good example. The integral to be evaluated is derived from the equation for energy conservation in a manner similar to that used in one dimension:

If the velocity in the theta direction is written in terms of the angular momentum l, the kinetic energy associated with motion in the theta direction becomes the function of r known as the centrifugal potential. It can be combined with the potential energy into a function known as the effective potential energy, and the equation for r-motion takes the familiar one-dimensional form:

If we want the orbit equation (r as a function of theta instead of time) we can use the definition of angular momentum to write:

The example applies the energy method to the same central-force problem dealt with by the Feynman method: inverse first and second, and direct first power force laws. In all three cases the orbiting particle starts out with its velocity perpendicular to the radius vector from the force center. Such a point is known as an apside, and the first task undertaken in the program is the finding of the second apside. The initial velocity is less than the velocity required for a circular orbit, so the second apside is closer to the force center, and is known as the pericenter. The program uses a bisection algorithm to find the pericenter because it has to deal with a logarithm in the case of the inverse first power force. The inverse first power force has a potential that goes to infinity both limits, so we must choose the zero point. The obvious choice is the starting point.

The apsidal distances are then shown on an energy diagram. The potential energy is plotted in cyan, the centrifugal potential is plotted in green, and the two are added to give the effective potential energy plotted in blue. The intersections of the effective potential energy with the total energy (in red) determine the apsidal distances. (The apsidal distances are shown as red circles in the orbit plot).

Next, the region between the apsides is divided into 1000 intervals, and the integration is carried out as in the one-dimensional case. Values are stored for subsequent plotting of the orbit, and the apsidal angle (the value of theta at the pericenter) is printed. The reason that the inverse first power force appears to have a closed orbit is because its apsidal angle is close to 11/32 of 360 degrees (the initial velocity was chosen to make this true).

The program itself does not read well (in part) because the original Feynman program was a benchmark with all unnecessary constants set equal to 1.

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